Grand Portage Lodge and Casino, MN

OCTOBER 1- 3 2024

Tuesday, October 1

7:30AM Breakfast provided

8:30AM Welcome and Drum Ceremony

April McCormick - Grand Portage Band Secretary-Treasurer

Stone Bridge Singers - Drum Ceremony

Morning sessions

9:30-10:30am Beach 101

Learn from success stories on how to prepare a sampling plan, consider options for lab testing, communicate results to the public, and when to use rapid methods and source tracking to improve beach water quality - Moderated by Ryan Otter

10:30-11:30am Beach 102

Moderated by Ryan Otter

11:300-12:30 pm Rapid Testing and Source Tracking

Moderated by Ryan Otter

  1. IDEXX Tecta for Beach Testing - Kathryn Grimball

  2. Accuracy of rapid test strips for the detection of the cyanotoxin Microcystin-LR – Janae Widiker

  3. Advancing Beach Monitoring with qPCR – Mike Swain

12:30-1:30pm Lunch provided

Afternoon sessions

1:30-2:45 pm Microbial Source Tracking

Moderated by Ryan Otter

  1. Development of PCR and sequence-based tools for same day beach notifications and microbial source tracking to protect public health – Lucas Beversdorf

  2. The use of PMA-qPCR (Propidium Monoazide Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction) as a method to better quantitate viable vs. non-viable environmental Escherichia coli (E. coli) - Christopher Kotkowic

  3. Quantitative fecal source characterization of urban municipal storm sewer outfalls wet and dry discharges – Adam Diedrich

2:45-3:00 pm Break

3:00 to 4:30 pm Special IJC Discussion and Feedback

Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Co-Development of a Great Lakes Science Plan - Raj Bejankiwar, IJC

The International Joint Commission (IJC) is prioritizing the involvement of Indigenous governments and ways of knowing into its activities that assist Canadian and US governments in the protection of Great Lakes water quality. This listening session will convene a conversation that serves to provide the IJC with perspectives on incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) into several efforts.

4:30-6:00 pm Break

6:00 - 8:00 pm Poster session with student poster competition

Click here for list of posters

Wednesday, October 2

7:30-8:30AM Breakfast provided

Morning sessions

8:30-9:30am Plenary and welcome session

  1. Welcome from the Great Lakes Beach Association and introduce board members and volunteers

  2. Logistics, details, and announcements

  3. Welcome to Grand Portage from Vallen Cook, Trust Lands Administrator

  4. Student poster winners announced

9:30-9:45am Break

9:45am-12:00pm Indigenous-led monitoring and Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Moderated by Margaret Watkins

  1. Nagadawaabandan Naanewi-zaaga'igan (Observing the Shoreline): Integrating Ojiwemowin with STEM Concepts to Bridge Anishinaabe Knowledge and Earth Sciences – Margaret Noodin

  2. Grand Portage National Monument Cooperative Water Quality Monitoring – Heather Boyd and Teresa Hahn

  3. Grand Portage Beach Monitoring and Assessment Program – Taryn Manthey

12:00-1:00pm Lunch provided

Afternoon sessions

1:00-1:40pm Monitoring options and risk based decisions

  1. Do beach closures really need to occur: Assessing Escherichia coli (E. coli) using Image Flow Cytometry (IFCM) – Kevin Strychar

  2. Impacts of Septic Systems on Aquatic Environments in the Lake Michigan Watershed - Jenny Fischer

1:40-2:00 Break and prep for your tours

2:00pm Monument visit or High Falls Park Tour

Buses arrive back at the lodge at 4:30PM

5:30-6:30pm Traditional dinner

7-8:30pm Keynote Speaker Travis Novitsky

About Travis

A proud citizen and lifelong resident of the Grand Portage Anishinaabe Nation in northeast Minnesota, Travis has been photographing the woods and waters of the north shore of Lake Superior for more than 30 years. He is a self-taught nature and wildlife photographer whose work focuses primarily on his ancestral homelands in Minnesota.

Thursday, October 3

7:30-8:30AM Breakfast provided

Morning sessions

8:30-9:30am Mitigation and Beach Safety

  1. Species and Geospatial Origins of Elevated E. coli in a Northern Lower lake Michigan Lake - Sky Pike

  2. Characterizing, Forecasting, and Communicating Drowning Hotspots in the St. Louis River Estuary - Kelsey Prihoda

  3. Technological Innovation Challenges Water Safety Norms – Jacob Soter

9:30-9:45 am Break

9:45-10:45am Harmful algal blooms in the Great Lakes

  1. Toxic cyanobacteria blooms in the St. Louis River Estuary: developing a long-term monitoring program to understand and mitigate an emerging threat to public health and regional economies - Peter Birschbach

  2. Future toxic cyanobacteria threats in Lake Superior: an opportunity for proactive management - Christopher Filstrup

  3. Trouble in Paradise: Unmasking the Microcystin threat on Lake Erie Beaches - Garrett Moots

10:45-11:00am Break

11:00am-12:00pm - Closing remarks and drum ceremony

12:00pm Conference adjurns